
Import into the EU:

Selling huge quantities without having to store the goods at high costs – dropshipping has grown into an essential distribution channel for businesses of all sizes. One of the reasons for this development is the rise of e-commerce. For entrepreneurs like you, dropshipping is a useful way to safely increase your market share.


What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping originates from the logistics sector. The term describes an approach where the distributor assigns the handling of goods to a third party. This method produces several benefits for the distributor. Monetary and temporal expenditures for storing, picking, and shipping of the goods are minimized while the consumer can receive their orders faster. Possible dropshipping agents are the supplier or a specialized service provider.

An overview
of the benefits

Save Time

Receiving, checking, and storing the goods, order picking, and inventory management – maintaining your own warehouse comes with a variety of tasks. Another time-consuming aspect is the process of packing and labeling the products for shipping. Outsourcing the warehouse management to a third party helps you streamline your work processes.

Reduce your Costs

Warehousing costs are charged by square meter. A small product range doesn’t necessarily translate to lower expenses. Besides the goods itself, the packaging takes up a lot of space. In addition, you need to factor in the wages of the warehouse workers. With dropshipping, you can save costs and omit exhausting unused potential along the supply chain.

We manage your logistics

Grow your sales figures without an increase in monetary or personal investment. We store your imported goods from Asia in an external warehouse in Europe. Upon receiving an order from one of your customers, all you need to do is forward it to our team. We’ll arrange the dispatch preparation and ship the goods in your name with your shipping documents. While we handle the operational aspect, you can concentrate on the maintenance of your online shop.

Dropshipping with MiLung Trade

As a well-experienced service provider in import and export issues between Asia and the European Union, we enhance the numerous benefits of dropshipping with our set of special services. A win-win concept for both you and your customers.

We’re happy to advise you!

Our team will help you clarify all the details and find the best solution for you.